Nehemiah Journey: Day 41 of 52

Have you ever gone through seasons of your life where God just seemed distant? I know I have and as I think over those seasons it seems to happen for a variety of reasons. The most obvious reason is my lack of consistency in a personal walk with Jesus and/or sin issues in thought or deed. The neglecting of my quiet time with the Lord or the busy rushing through my quiet time, greatly hinder the reality of God’s continual presence.

I am convinced there have been times when God seemed silent, because I needed to be still and just listen for a season rather than doing my own thing. We too often make our plans and ask God to bless them, rather than walking with the Lord, seeing where He is already moving, and joining Him in what He has already determined to bless.

Be encouraged, be confident, and know God is at work. He has a plan for your life: for your good and His glory. Spend time with Him each day, walk with Him in a real way, and you will be amazed in what He is doing and how He will use you!

Please add your thoughts (Respectfully)